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Bugs of the Season

Fall Pest Control in Southern California


The weather is cooling off soon. Occasionally we have some very windy days. We are getting ready for the holidays and preparing to invite family and friends into our homes. Some insects use this time to spread their infestation, and some are just preparing for our short, wet winter.  

Mosquito season is likely coming to an end soon and summer invaders like American Cockroaches are no longer thriving in the warm nights, but we live in a temperate climate. Because of our mild weather, the bugs don’t really go fully dormant around here. We just focus on different bugs now


Common Spiders


One of the biggest problems for pest control this time of year is spiders. They are spreading their webs for Halloween. While people don’t mind the decorative webs most don’t enjoy the kung fu you do while walking into a real web on the way to the car at night.


Spiders don’t generally move around neighborhoods by walking from place to place. They prefer to use the wind. They use both their webbing and their larger bodies to catch the breeze and move to a new hunting ground. Does your home generally get a nice afternoon breeze? That cool breeze can bring you a new friend or two that will land in trees, hedges, or eaves.


New Ants Invade


They can still be active but mostly during the warmer parts of these Fall days. They are finishing up their preparation for our short, and maybe wet winter. They especially like to come inside and enjoy the climate-controlled environments inside our homes. Also, once we clear out the invasive Argentine Ants the new invasive Rover Ants can move in since they aren’t susceptible to the same chemistry as the Argentines. These new super tiny ants are starting to become a real problem here. As the ants adapt, we will adapt with them.


Specialized Chemistry


PacWest is here to protect your home for the fall Holidays. This is our last aggressive treatment before we defend your home for the Christmas Season. We use chemicals in stronger dosages that are undetectable to spiders. Spiders are simultaneously sensitive to chemicals and far enough off the ground to only get a small dose of whatever is there. The higher dosage and the undetectable nature of the chemistry ambush the spiders.


We spray in the areas they are most likely found like eaves, around windows and doors, and under patio furniture. We also hunt for them around the yard and kill them wherever they are found. We leave their webs after we spray them so we can get more chemical onto their bodies.


The great thing about our chemistries is they are also very effective against the new Rover Ants. These ants survived our primary ant treatment, but they won’t survive this one. Since this chemical is non-repellent in nature it will still kill Argentine Ants, but it kills them too quickly to get back into the nests and spread around. It will also crossover and kill other fall insects too.


PacWest Guarantee


We want to remind you if you are under a service contract with us and are having a problem with covered insects inside your home then please call us so we can come and treat the problem for you right away.


If you partner with PacWest Exterminators then we can control your spider, ant, and roach problems all year long. You will never have to worry about waking up to that dreaded invasion in your living room, kitchen, or bathroom again!

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